Thursday 24 December 2015

Crazy Christmas!

Yay for Christmas! I am home in balmy Oakville, ready to get out my bikini and sunscreen - today was 15 degrees according to the themometer on my NEW VAN!! More on that later. While most are sad about a green Christmas this year, I am more than pleased. I'll be having my fair share of the white stuff for the next 5 months so I am in no rush to get out the shovel down south and participate in my hate-affair with snow. 

The Christmas concert went off not without a few hitches but otherwise was AWESOME! You could really tell how hard the students and teachers worked on practicing and putting forth a really great performance. I was so pumped to see our ABBA Christmas carols come to life on the stage and the kids and parents really seemed to enjoy themselves!

So after all that fun stuff was finished, I stayed behind at school on the Friday after the concert to get some last minute planning and organizing done for the new year. It felt good to leave the classroom ready for the new year and for the arrival of my student teacher! Yay!

Since I was flying down south this holiday, our scheduled flight didn't leave until Saturday afternoon so Friday for lunch Monika and I met with colleagues and friends Seth and David (shoutouts!) Together they are part of a exclusive sports watching and discussing gathering of the minds type group which, while I - a self proclaimed sports hater - still wish to infiltrate, and am working on doing so. After finishing in the classroom, Monika and I went for a fine steak dinner at Marsha and Jeremy's which was a really nice way to wind down the night. I spent the next few hours at home packing up last minute stuff and getting ready to leave on the flight the next day. 

Saturday rolled around and we took off shortly after 1pm. I was flying because as you know, I had no vehicle. If I did, I still would have flown because my recent accident on the James Bay Highway has turned me into a major (and rightly so) scaredy cat. Except for having to drive myself back up north next week, I promise I will never drive those roads in the winter again if I don't have to. I'm petrified and very sketched out at thought of having to drive that road again in bad conditions and I really hope that it will be okay when I have to make the trip back up!! Angels of the highway protect me!!

Anyways, the flights were relatively uneventful, I almost didn't make it home from Montreal due to a flight booking not existing for me to Toronto (thanks to Monika for saving the day and my sanity) and I got into Toronto just after 9pm!  

Since arriving in Oakville I have spent every day with Robin and my sister Hilary, seen tons of friends and family, squeezed in some baking, a movie, Christmas shopping AND BUYING A NEW VAN! I'm very happy to announce that I am the proud owner of another Grand Caravan. This time with a few more bells and whistles now that I know what I really need in a vehicle! I love it like I loved my old van and the process of buying it from such a distance was really made easy by the people at the dealership! Who knew you could buy a van from 1500+km away? Awesome. So now I am living the life with a fresh set of wheels and things couldn't be peachier. 

Anyways I am up late enough to wish you a Merry Christmas and hope that your holiday is as lovely as mine is turning out to be. Catcha in the new year!!

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