Tuesday 30 October 2012

Classroom Rearranged!

I am very lucky to work with some amazing colleagues who share so much of their time and resources with me.  As a brand new teacher, I came to grade 2 with literally nothing (all my primary stuff I left in Ontario as I was prepared to come and teach grade 5 before being moved).  I had a huge empty room that was previously a small auditorium and I needed to fill it fast!

Teachers from all over the school quickly came to my aid, giving me manipulatives, books, furniture, posters and decor, even a computer and great printer!  Teachers are still being so generous, even months into the school year!  I previously had hexagon-shaped tables which I loved for group work but it made it hard to teach from any particular part of the room, especially the Smartboard (which I use most of the day, everyday) because at least 4 student's backs were turned to where I was standing at any given time. 

Anyways, one of the teachers found that her students (Pre-kindergartens I think) were too small for her super awesome colorful rectangle tables and asked to switch with me!! YES PLEASE.  So now I have really cool rectangle tables that all face one way but still allow for easy group activities and cooperative learning.  I wanted to stay away from the "lecture" style set up for my primary classroom but I think that this arrangement is a good compromise.  Using the Smartboard in my lessons is such an asset and the kids love it so I want to take full advantage of student positioning to get the best out of each lesson. 

Tomorrow is back on for Halloween and my class is having their joint party with Stacy's grade 2 class and it should be pretty fun.  Given that they will be loaded up on sugar that night, we tried to get as many healthy snacks as possible!

Our super spooky door!

One of the treats I put in my kid's Halloween gift bags :)

Breakfast program! Healthy and delicious.

Side note: Fifty Shades of Gray for... kids??
Happy Halloween!


  1. your ghost poop treat is possibly the best thing I've ever seen - they would LOVE that! you are too funny! xo

  2. thanks michelle!! i cant take all the credit, i saw it online somewhere but LOVED the idea!! might do chocolate covered raisins at christmas as reindeer poop - keep the theme going haha!!!
