Monday, 21 October 2013

I am a Goo Goo*!!

*Goo Goo or Gookum: Cree for grandmother.

Never thought I'd be a granny at my young age but stranger things have happened!

Turns out the wonderful gift of a pet hamster I received from from very thoughtful friends has MULTIPLIED. 

See, I knew Carmonika was in her teenage/adulthood years when I got her. I have owned baby hamsters before and they are pretty darn small. Nevertheless she was adorable and I fell in insta-love. It was not until last night while cleaning her cage that I realized Carmonika had gotten FAT. And not just all-over-girlfriend-needs-a-diet-fat. I'm talking her badonkadonk was out of this world. I mentioned to Carmen and Monika that she might be pregnant, and oh how funny would that be!

Jokes on me, tonight after dinner I heard some strange squeaking coming from Carmonika's cage! I lifted her house and low and behold there were 8 BABIES and Carmonika looking fashionably svelte. So I freaked out, called over reinforcements and quickly looked up what to expect when you weren't expecting! Turns out I shouldn't have lifted her home but how else was I supposed to see if there were babies in there/get a quick photo?!

So I haven't touched a thing since other than to give Carmonika some more nesting material. I will wait (ever impatiently) the 3 week period until I can separate and ween babies from mummy and in the meanwhile hope for the best! Mummy hammies can be mighty aggressive when it comes to protecting their young (even to the sacrificial death) so I am hoping she is merciful and lets them live! Cross your fingers!

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