Sunday, 20 October 2013

Happy (Belated) Thanksgiving!

I had such a wonderful Thanksgiving and I know I have so much to be grateful for.  I definitely don't need a single day in the calendar to feel grateful for what I have, but it sure puts things in perspective.  I am so grateful for the life I have!  I have a wonderful job that totally fulfils me, great friends both near and far, and a family who loves me and supports me. 

My amazing mother and fantastic aunt travelled all the way up to Wemindji to visit me and it was so much fun!  They brought with them: a huge turkey (left overs for days), birthday gifts galore, lots of treats and things I needed from down south, and BOBO!!  Honestly, what more could a girl ask for?? I also received a care package from the TRIBES ladies which was filled with goodies for both my students and me, I was totally touched by their thoughtfulness and generosity!  Overall, last week was a winner.

I took my family on a tour of the town (about 5 minutes long since that is about how long it takes to get around haha).  They saw my classroom, had a bonfire at Carmen's, cooked us a delicious Thanksgiving dinner and we even squeezed in a trip to Radisson for lunch!! It was awesome.  Some days were sunny and gorgeous, others were rainy and cool, a good representation of Wemindji weather.  My mom came into the classroom on Tuesday afternoon and read the kids a story and helped them with their art.  They loved her and you could tell she really enjoyed the experience of meeting my students and seeing me at work!  I never thought I would be able to show off my home and community to my family since they live so far away and getting here isn't easy, so I relished in every moment and tried to give them the most well-rounded experience I could offer! 

One of the most astounding experiences however was SEEING A MOOSE!! Now, if you know me, I often describe myself as wildlife cryptonite.  No wild northern animal has ever come within a square mile of me other than seagulls, squirrels and the odd fox.  Well as we were travelling home on the access road, out of the corner of my eye did I spy a MOOOOOOSE!! I slammed on the brakes, backed up and made my way closer to the majestic creature.  It was definitely young, it's antlers small but still a HUGE beast. As we sat there taking picture after picture, the moose just casually walked around, allowing us to get it's best angle.  I even got an obscured shot of our loaner Flat Stanley with him!  Awesome! My mom wanted a closer shot and wanted to open the door to get one, I insisted she not leave the van should she be charged by the moose (a more than likely scenario).  What does she do? Hop out of the van!! Our lives flashed before my eyes as I screamed for her to get back in before she became antler decor for this 2 ton beast.

Anyways, the pictures do not do the proximity of us to the moose justice, but trust me, we were CLOSE.  Thank goodness we left Bobo at home because his incessant barking would have very likely cost us our lives, or at least a good photo op!

Turkey coma!

Ryerson School's Flat Stanley in Rad!

And at the turnoff for the access road!


At Chez Mika

Amazing sunrise!

Day of Family arrival - 17 degrees! Time to get those plants some much needed sunlight

Take a wild guess at what my favorite breakfast might be...


Turkey before

Turkey after om nom nom

After the access road, yesh

Beautiful Thanksgiving Day!


Monika's pecan turkey. 


Obligatory Stanley pic.

Stanley with the MOOSE!


Native Arts and Craft store in Radisson

Showing off my swag and my Smartboard

Mama in my classroom

Auntie Melanie!

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