Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Sunday (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) Sick Day

Well, I am going to keep this one short as I am feeling quite close to death these days!  Well, I have what I am sure is just a regular cold but it hit me like a ton of bricks and has set up shop in my poor head.  Now, I know I am entitled to a number of sick days but I am a bit of a control freak and the idea of entrusting my classroom to someone else frankly gives me anxiety.  So, I'd rather chug vitamin C, Buckley's Cold and Sinus pills and sleep all available hours until I kill this bug!  I have decided against trying Cold FX again (see: First Teaching Illness Experience) and this Buckley's sure leaves me in a fuzzy yet wonderful mood.  I am not sure anymore if it is my sinuses blocking my ears or if my students are actually quietly working.

I was finally able to transfer some pictures from my phone to my school computer where I then saved them to this blog.  I hope you appreciate the difficulty it now takes me to put pictures on here now that my computer at home is as useful as a typewriter!!!! JK. But anyways, last weekend was the kid's hockey tournament in town and it was fantastic!  I went to see a group of my students play on Saturday afternoon and even though I had no idea what was going on, I was so proud!! I loved seeing them skate around the ice, chasing the puck, determined, organized and focused.  Now if I could only channel that same energy into class work we'd be golden!  I must learn the rules of this magical sport and somehow create a classroom around it.  Instead of time spent in the office, 2 minutes in the penalty box! First one finished their work, a point for their team, goal! Whatever!!

Tomorrow is our 100's Day celebration as well as Valentine's Day.  Stacy and I have a fantastic fun-filled day for the kids, lots of 100-oriented activities like "Draw yourself as a 100-year old Goo-Goo/Gookum (Cree for grandmother) or Joomshum (Cree for grandfather)" which I am sure is going to be hilarious, write 100 words, do 100 math problems, 100 seconds of silence (my favorite), and much more.  The kids are PUMPED and so am I :)

Anyways I am off to bed now (7:23pm) goodnight!!

An older picture of Wemindji, but still a pretty beautiful view of the town.

Carmen had to eat this one because I dropped it in the sprinkles. Oops!

They stack! Who knew! Stacy's contribution to hockey fundraising.

January birthday's cupcakes.  Alligators, Hippos, Rhinos

The ice at the Wemindji Hockey and Broomball Tournament!

Ever cool! Everyone with glow sticks


The players coming out

Wemindji Wolves!

Little collections of confiscated student items

Valentine's cards for the kids!

Sweet silence of Bush Camp


My first attempt at no-bake cheesecake, DELISH

The meat man!! This dude needs to come back, I have 3 pieces of fish left :|

The epic snowhill in the school parking lot. Notice you can barely see the triplex!

Kid's hockey!

The zamboni broke so out came the shovels and an ATV with a plow!

My Valentine's Day Door

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