Tuesday, 5 February 2013

And it's only Tuesday...

Since my life is so hectic, crazy and busy (ha ha ha) I kind of took a weekend off this past weekend.  Actually, that is a big fat lie.  By taking a weekend off I mean I didn't leave the house on Saturday, not even for cake and a chick flick!! I stayed in. cleaned, baked like a madman and relaxed in front of the computer screen and got caught up on some of my favorite shows. 

Friday was a pretty exciting night as it was the opening ceremonies for the Wemindji 30th Annual Hockey and Broomball Tournament right here in town! Teams from all the northern communities came to compete and the town was BUSY. So busy that the ATM ran out of cash, parking was scarce and 3G sucked really badly.  I also couldn't even make a phone call this weekend.  Crazy haha! Marsha and her lovely family saved us front row (ice side? ice front? rink side? ugh) seats which was pretty neat! We got to see all the action (and men) up close and personal!!! The opening ceremonies were touching and proud and we had a great MC.  I saw many of my students there late into the night and they were quite surprised to see me leave at 11 after the second game, even more surprised when I told them it was about 3 hours past my bedtime. Ha! (I am not really kidding..)

As usual I spent Sunday in my classroom organizing, planning and setting up for a new unit on Geometry.  We are continuing with our procedural writing which is producing some interesting and creative results!

Last week my new computer speakers arrived in the mail and I promptly plugged them in.  They work like a dream! No more crackly sound.  However, I plugged them in, used them for a while and then went out to help Stacy bake cupcakes for the tournament.  When I came home none of my things plugged into a USB port worked, such as my KEYBOARD OR MOUSE. So I freaked out a little and turned off my computer, hoping a good night's sleep would solve the problem.  It did not.  Somehow, and I blame the speakers, all my USB ports got fried and I can no longer use my keyboard, mouse, printer or read USB keys.  After some searching I found an "old school" keyboard and mouse that have the little green and purple plug ins and those work but essentially my computer is now a useless piece of crap.  I hope I can get it fixed at Goose Break because there is no way I am spending more money on a new computer.  NUH UH. That is also why I have no pictures this post, I am too lazy to send them to myself via email but maybe if I am feeling generous I might try tonight.

Also, yesterday was a particularly stressful day.  Not because of students or anything, actually I only had 4 all morning because the last game of the tournament went late into the night (3am) and most parents let their children attend... It was stressful because I found out the piece of paper I thought temporarily qualified me for teaching in Quebec is as good as a piece of toilet paper and I essentially have no job security for next year.  My principal assured me she wants nothing more than to have us (all first year teachers from Ontario who have ALL been given bad information) to return, she just cannot guarantee that someone who is qualified and wants my job, if it ever came to that, wouldn't get it.  Basically I need to scramble, take this crazy English proficiency exam ASAP and get the rest of my paperwork in order.  That was fun.  THEN, I was informed I was getting a new student in less than 24 hours.  More scrambling. THEN, I was informed that in the future, no set date, I would be getting back a student who moved away. COOL. What else?! OH YAH, I am being evaluated by my principal tomorrow too!!!!!! So, basically, given the idea that there is a slim chance I might not have a job next year at this school and that I was receiving more students in an already high needs class, and I was being evaluated in a couple of days left me feeling a little overwhelmed. I have had a day to process and get organized and feel good about tomorrow's lesson (review on 2D shapes and attributes) and I have offered the greatest bribe of all to my students for good behavior.  You see, I took away their 100's day party a couple of months ago after a string of particularly bad incidences and poor behavior.  They have been working quite hard to earn it back (they needed 30 "points" - my discretion) to earn it back, we are at 25 and the party is next Thursday.  So I said they could have - oh excuse me, 3 of my students just knocked at my door asking for a ride to the store.  I said, "No, run there you will make heat." Ahahahahaha!! Okay sorry.  So yes basically I said they could earn the last 5 points from me tomorrow if they were on their BEST behavior while our principal was there.  We had a dry run today - they may not be receiving those points...

Well anyways, that is my last few days in a nutshell.  Hopefully tomorrow will go smoothly and I can start getting actually qualified for my job and having more students won't be all I am imagining it to be! WISH ME LUCK!

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