Monday, 23 January 2017

First Week Foibles

Another busy week has passed in Wemindji and I survived my first week back after Christmas holidays and postponement of school from the flood! It was great to get back to the classroom and to see the kids again and they had lots of questions about when I was gone. Who took care of me? What happened? How far away was I? I answered each with a response designed to elicit good behavior and essentially to put the fear back into their little hearts. Juuuuust kidding. Sorta. I did tell them that my finger got hurt and infected because kids weren't washing their hands after using the toilets. They were simply APPALLED by this and now each child diligently uses the "hanitizer" in a suction-cupped basket on my classroom door before entering. Anything can be a teachable moment!!!

Anyways we got right into things in the classroom. I'm about a month behind in the subject areas since being absent for so long so I've had to prioritize my lessons and save other activities for later. I'm trying to catch up and get to the bare basics of the curriculum for practicality and essentials. The kids have been very good sports about the whole thing. Routine wasn't as hard to reestablish as I thought it would be but I did have to remind the kids that I saw and know EVERYTHING that went down while I was away (thanks to a hidden secret camera I said I had placed somewhere in the room hehe). When they heard this a few usual suspects looked mortified. They were quiet and cautious after that. We spent the morning of Monday reorganizing and cleaning up kid mess left from Christmas. I received a beautiful belated Christmas gift from a student and was welcomed back by dozens of handmade cards and trinkets. We hosted a special Grade 2 Girls Club (an extracurricular club the two Meghans and I run) where we made our own pizzas, watched a movie, danced and sang! It was so much fun and the girls loved it! Generally speaking it turned out to be a regular week so that was nice!

Another great surprise was that Monika came up to visit on Tuesday!!! I actually didn't even notice she was standing next to Marsha when I was doing bus duty at lunch, that's how unexpected it was!! I reacted with near tears and of course huge hugs and we've had some great opportunities to hang out and catch up over the last week. Like no time has passed at all! I'm trying my best to convince her to stay somehow with subtle suggestions such as: be my permanent on-call substitute since I clearly need one on standby at all times!!!

Anyways this week is going to be a busy one, jam-packed with new units, more writing, a new behavior modification program run by the justice department and a great lady and sliding on Friday afternoon!!

Here's a quiz I took :)

36 ODD things about you!

1. Do you like blue cheese??

2. Have you ever smoked cigarettes??
When I was a teenager under a bridge like a troll. Then I threw up everywhere.

3. Do you own a gun?

4. What flavor Kool-Aid??
Blue raspberry? Does that exist?

5. Do you get nervous before a Dr Appt??
Always. There is never a good reason for me to be at the doctor's nowadays.

6. What do you think of dogs?
If they look like cats or are Bobo they are lovely. Otherwise I am a cat lady at heart.

7. Favorite movie?

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning??
Cold water.

9. Can you do a push up??
Absolutely not.

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
My ring my dad got me before he died.

11. Do you have a favorite hobby?
Complaining and sleeping.

12. Do you have A.D.D.??

13. Do you wear glasses??
I wish! The ultimate accessory.

14. Who was your childhood idol?
Rosie O'Donnell for real.

15. Name 3 thoughts at this moment:
     1. My butt hurts.
     2. I'm tired.
     3. I have to pee

**see #11

16. Name three drinks you regularly:
Water, water, water.

17. Current worries:
That my body won't heal and I'll be in pain forever.

18. Current hates:
Seriously don't get me started!

19. Favorite place to be?
Right now? In bed. Outside on my mom's deck is pretty peaceful too.

20. How did you bring in the New Year?
At good friends Ryan and Kelly's house with all my old crew from Oakville!!

21. Where would you like to go?

22. Name 5 people whom will do this questionnaire:
No one?

23. Do you own slippers??
Yes! Lots. Indoor/outdoors, beautiful moccasins, you name it. Slippers are a must in cold Wemindji.

24. What color shirt are you in??

25. Do you like sleeping in satin sheets?
I have never because I am poor.

26. Can you whistle?
Yes but not very well.

27. Where are you now? bed....

28. Would you be a pirate?
I'd be a saucy wench.

29. What song do you sing in the shower?
Nothing. I'm very focused on not slipping.

30. What is your favorite sports team?
What are sports?

31. Favorite foods?
Pad Thai, sushi, burritos.

32. What's in your pocket??

33. The last thing that made you laugh?
Talking about colostomy bags and farts with Meghan and Meredith!

34. What's your favorite animal? Very small dogs and cats.

35. Worst injury??
My finger.

36. How many TV's in your house??

Peace out!!

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