Well, according to the way my karma has been going recently, the inevitable has happened. My phone, my lifeline, my baby, my constant companion - has died. DIED AND WILL NEVER LIVE AGAIN. For a while now it has been acting up. Shutting off immediately after being unplugged, crashing constantly. Then one day last week, it turned off completely and never turned back on again. When it was plugged in it would flash screens alternating between the apple screen, the empty batter screen or a red or blue screen. Dead. All attempts were made to restore it to its former glory but alas it has bitten the dust at the ripe young age of 2 exact years old.
So, my friends rallied around me, supplied me with and iPad to use until I can get my hands on a replacement phone (which is no easy task when your nearest Bell store is ummm a million miles away) and an ALARM CLOCK because since my entire life exists on this phone, I had no way of even waking up in the morning. Ugh. Luckily I have a landline and truly wonderful people in my life who always manage to help out when a sister is down on her luck.
Otherwise not much has happened. I had my parent/teacher interviews last week with Christine which went pretty well. About half the parents came which was to be expected as it took place during the work day. It did however give me a chance to clean up the classroom and reorganize a little! My cycle has set some pretty exciting goals to reach over the next couple of months so I am looking forward to putting those into action this week! We also have a pretty busy week with a standardized test we must administer, building leprechaun traps and somehow working around a hometown hockey tournament! I am also hosting my very first Book Bingo on Thursday night which I am very excited about! I have invited families and students of grades 1-3 to play games of sight word bingo for prizes of brand new books, pencils, stickers, bags and other neat stuff. I hope it will be a success despite there being a tournament taking place! We shall see!
So, things are trucking along as always. I am going to try going back to Aquafit this week although I still feel pretty shaky on my knee and can't bend it to its full original range of motion but I am going to take it extremely easy and hope that this low-impact exercise will help rebuild some of the muscle I have damaged or let atrophy in the last few weeks.
Well, I am off to get ready for a friend's bridal shower this afternoon which will no doubt be a hoot.
Please note my address is:
2 Paint Hills Road
P.O. Box 308
Wemindji, QC
J0M 1L0
should you want to send me any Easter treats AKA MINI EGGS they are more expensive than gold bouillon up here.
Love Aidan
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