Wednesday, 9 December 2015

So Striking

Fight the power! LOL JK, but really.  Today is a strike day in Quebec for the teacher's union and the Cree School Board is participating.  Mainly in solidarity, we in the CSB collectively voted against the proposed changes and for strike action and are making our voices heard today.

While I agree with voting against all the proposed changes the government wants to make, I don't like that it had to come to the point where we had to cancel school and what I consider an essential service to the community.  I see the broader picture though and understand the repercussions these changes would have on my future as an educator in the Cree School Board, and more importantly, the impact they will have on the education of my students.  So in solidarity, we strike!  We lose a day of pay which is really inconvenient given that this is 2 weeks before Christmas but I am taking the hit and using this time to catch up on emails, prep for the next couple of crazy Christmas holiday work days and sleep in! We had the option to picket for half an hour this morning and again this afternoon for $35 but I decided that I will let the other brave and supportive souls from our school do that while I peel the paper off broken crayons to melt down for a little Christmas gift for my students (I am also doing this from the warmth and comfort of my living room since we will be fined $1000 by the union if we step foot in the school today - yikes!).

Anyways, the countdown to Christmas is on as we have just a little over 1 week to go until holidays begin!  Christmas concert rehearsals are in full swing and the kids are really enjoying our song!  Friday our Cycle (Grade 1 and 2) are doing a Christmas craft rotation in our classrooms (each class will spend 20 minutes or so in a different teacher's classroom doing a fun holiday craft to take home, so much fun and very cute!).

The Elf on the Shelf festivities are taking off and the kids are dying over the shenanigans of our elf Sylvain this year.  He has gotten quite creative and generous this year and we are having a lot of fun.  Secret Santa is also taking off and I am really enjoying being a Secret Santa as well as receiving some very thoughtful and sneaky gifts from my own!! I love Christmas.  I am also busy looking for trucks/vans which is a little hard to do from up here but at least I can get an idea of what I need to be asking for/looking for when I go down south.  I have 2 short weeks to find a good vehicle to take me back north so the pressure is on! Otherwise I am looking forward to spending lots of time with family and friends just relaxing and catching up (aka being permanently attached to my nephew Robin for 2 solid weeks).

Happy Holidays!

My dearly departed van plates :( 

So so many crayons to peel

My fav - Indian Tacos! 

Monika shoveling my path like the good friend she is!!! 

An angel.

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