Sunday, 14 June 2015

Two Weeks to Goooooooo!

Another glorious countdown has begun. The countdown to summer vacation! In less than 2 short weeks I will be home in Oakville, probably roasting alive in the intense southern heat - but alive nonetheless. 

This year has been insane. I have had the absolute time of my life teaching grade 1 and learning a lot about myself as an educator and as a person. There have been a lot of bumps along the way but I really consider this year a professional win. I wish I was teaching grade 1 again next year but the powers that be have decided to place me back in grade 2 for a 3rd year. While I wanted to either stay in grade 1 for another year or move around to a new grade, I will approach my renewed time in 2nd grade much differently than I have in the past. I've been told I'll get my class again which is really awesome. I know them so well and we have such a great relationship, we can pick right up where we left off and save a lot of "training" work that we educators know takes weeks (or forever) with little ones when starting a new year. 

Anyways the weather has gotten slightly better over the last week or so and since the water debacle, quality of life has improved. Last weekend I went out with a bunch of friends to a nearby island for the day to enjoy what turned out to be a gorgeous day, complete with a campfire, hotdogs and even iceberg sightings (cue Titanic soundtrack). The previous day I hosted a wedding shower for my dear friend Shelby who's nuptials will take place this summer. An epic event! 

Otherwise school has been trucking right along. It seems like the work never ends and especially with these guys there is always some material to be covered and a lesson to be taught. We are finished our literacy and math testing and I was pleased with the results. My kids have worked so so hard this year and it really shows. I can't wait to see the progress they will make next year! 

This week is the last full week of classes, the following week having only 2 days with kids, a holiday in the middle followed by 2 PED days for packing up. I've been packing a few boxes of non-essentials in the classroom a day, trying to make a dent so that I am not too overwhelmed on the last few days up here. That is also because my family is visiting during my last week and I definitely do not want to be in the classroom until 9pm every night packing up boxes when I can be hanging out with them! 

Grade 1 also has a fun week planned. Weather permitting we will have a picnic lunch and Grade 1 Awards Ceremony to acknowledge all the hard work these kids have done this year. It will be really nice to tell them how well they have done in a really special way. 

Last night was my 2nd Annual Bacon Party and it did not disappoint. People got really creative this year and it was delicious.  Some of the contributions included: my bacon chili, bacon and egg cups, bacon loaded potatoes, mini bacon sliders, bacon cinnamon rolls, bacon salad, bacon hash brown casserole, bacon Mac and cheese, bacon brittle, bacon chocolate chip cookies, stuffed bacon jalapeƱo peppers, bacon cheeseburger dip and much more. It was an event for the history books. 

Anyways after a good sleep in, a nap and cleanup, I spent some time outside today (including as I write this) in the glorious sunshine planning a mini unit for this week, doing some work on final comments for report cards and rebuilding my freckle count. 

Happy June people!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, Shelby is so lucky to you have as a friend. Looks like it was a blast! I'm so excited for the two of them!
