Sunday, 26 April 2015

The Final Countdown (do do do do)

It's ON like Donkey Kong people. In 5 sleeps (as the kiddies like to say) I will be back in Ontario and on my Goosebreak!

For those of you new to the ways of Wemindji, Goosebreak is the annual sanctioned time to go goose hunting in the bush. The entire town takes off for 2 glorious weeks to hunt and the teachers take off to home and abroad for a much-deserved and well-celebrated break. Each of the Cree nations gets their own two week Goosebreak, some taking place earlier than ours. Wemindji's Goosebreak was supposed to start last Friday but was pushed back because in recent years, the geese hadn't flown yet so it was wasted time. I am in favor of pushing our Goosebreak back a week because it means we get a extra day with the Victora Day holiday tacked on so it's pretty awesome. 

Since we get a 2 week Goosebreak, we don't get the traditional March Break. Let me tell you something. March Break is sacred. I totally get March Break. I miss March Break. I NEED March Break. Don't take March Break for granted southern teachers. Because when you spend 4 loooooooong, dark, cold months in the wild North, March Break makes a lot of sense. But no. We employees of the Cree School Board suck it up and trudge along, dreaming of May 1st and the promise of the sweet, sweet Goosebreak. Things often get crazy during this time. I liken it to being the winter groundskeeper at the Overlook Hotel. All work and no play make Aidan a crazy teacher... instead of blood spilling from the elevator (there exist no elevators in Wemindji EDIT: I think there's an elevator in the clinic) children spill from the hallways into my classroom after Gym or Cree Language, screaming about this offence or that injustice. 

Anyways, Goosebreak is almost upon us and I plan to spend most of it at Dollarama and Costco, prancing through the aisles, filling cart after cart of wonderful supplies and provisions for the North and my classroom. I will be driving down with the Dream Team, myself, Monika, Samantha and Meghan, as well as all of our pets - a cat, a dog and a hamster. (Did I mention Carmonika died? She died. Now I am left with Nick). Oh and our luggage. It'll be a tight squeeze. One night's stop in Amos and we'll be in Ontario on Saturday! I'm really looking forward to seeing friends and family as usual and catching up with everyone. This is the longest I have ever gone in the North without going home at least once so it's about time! 

Anyways this time next week I will be cuddling with my handsome prince Bobo, sitting in the backyard with the sun shining and the birds chirping! Wish me luck on my drive!

It was cRaZy hAiR dAy at school this week. 

Back to square one we go. I made them take an oath, it lasted less than 30 seconds. 

It did snow again this week but today it was 8 degrees and gorgeous so I forgave Mother Earth. 

This is going to be my view in 5 short days. 

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