Friday, 22 August 2014

First Week of First Grade

Well week one of grade one is in the bag! It felt like the longest week of my entire life and I have spent every night after work in what feels like a perpetual state of shell shock!

These kids are hilarious, cute, loving, creative, excited, talkative, active and all around rambunctious. A week into routine and structure and they seem to be doing pretty well!! Of course there have been some bumps and hiccups and surprises but overall I feel like we are well on our way to working well within a routine. They know to go to the carpet after any major transition (morning arrival, recess, lunch, gym/Cree Language) and "read". I've provided my entire primary library for them to choose from, regardless of whether or not they can actually read it. Actually I know at this stage in the game they can't read at all but the love for "reading" is already there and I want them to have access to all varieties of reading materials of high interest. I feel this strategy really worked for my class last year. I put out books of all levels and lots of higher level books too which I think encouraged them to try something harder or different. Having a wide range of book types and topics (fiction, non fiction, picture books, chapter books, magazines, leveled readers) allowed them to explore their interests and challenge themselves as readers.  So seeing my kids on the first day of school all on the carpet "reading" to themselves and one another gave such an indescribable feeling. I have high hopes for this group! 

So this year I have a rowdy bunch of 17 6/7 year olds. I have 7 girls and 10 boys. The boys are energetic and typically rambunctious kids and the girls are very sweet and creative little ladies. We are working heavily on establishing and following a routine as well as behavior management. I am using a rewards-based system (stickers earned towards prizes) and it seems to be working so far. I know it will take weeks if not months to get these kiddies to where I want them behaviorally but we are on our way. They are very bright and already surpassing my academic expectations so that is a pleasant surprise! 

Teaching with Monika and Meghan has been a blast so far!! We are an awesome team supported by Marsha and if this week is anything like what the rest of the school year is going to be like then I can't wait for all the fun we are going to have. We work well together, help each other out, bounce ideas off each other, share resources, it's awesome. A true partnership! 

Since work these past couple of weeks has taken most if not all of my attention, my house has fallen by the wayside. There are tons of little things (and big) I need to take care of and I am hoping to tackle. One of which is somehow getting rid of the beehive that currently occupies my recycling bin. I poked this beehive last week because I thought it was dead but it turns out it wasn't and I awoke an angry swarm of baby bees (who have now matured into a swarm of angry adults) who buzz around my bin and car every time I go outside. I thought about lighting the whole thing on fire and hoping for the best but I have been advised against doing that. So we'll see. 

This week in Wemindji has been uncharacteristically hot. Now, I know I complain a lot about the cold weather during the 10 months of the fridgid season we have here but this is really unreasonable. It is SO HOT. So hot. So buggy. No breeze. Just hot. I hate my life because I can't just prance around in short shorts and a tube top (I have to look somewhat presentable for my job) and my classroom gets no cross breeze whatsoever. The kids are constantly asking for water and we are collectively a very sweaty bunch. Cold baths and showers have become my only friend in these hard times. Oh and I don't want one of you to tell me in the winter "Oh but Aidan don't you remember cursing the heat of the summer? Don't you miss it now?" The answer is no. No to all your comments. I will still hate winter as much as I hate summer the end!

Anyways I'm off to watch some kind of show that will connect me to another world where I don't have to mop up epic nosebleeds and break up colossal, tears-inducing, raging arguments over who is better, Mario or Luigi?!? 

Hopefully this darling Kleenex box will inspire a love for blowing one's own little nose so that I no longer have to! 
Confiscated items from carpet land. 
Supplies for my Mexican-themed birthday party have started to arrive!!

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