Saturday, 1 February 2014

Fantastic February!

Well January is in the bag and besides the odd fire and frosty morning, not much has happened. Its the first month of four without major breaks until the sweet beloved Goose Break, so to have made the headway in the classroom that we have has been rewarding!! School is carrying along as fast as ever and the month of February is looking just as BUSY. However, February is packed with PED days and parties so who am I really to complain!!

With our 100th day of school coming up a bunch of us teachers in primary and elementary have a day filled with fun activities to celebrate our hard work in 100 days of school with all things 100! One of my personal favorites: "Draw yourself as a 100 year old Goo Goo (grandma) or 100 year old Joomshoom (grandpa)." It'll be nice to split up a month heavy with school board-ordered testing and assessing with some fun!  Following 100th Day we have the ever exciting Valentine's Day celebration and swimming at the end of the month! The kids LIVE for our monthly swimming trips and being able to have great incentives (aka bribes) can magically inspire some reluctant and uninspired students! Who knew!

Last night I spent the evening baking up a storm for the second "MES Goes to Nicaragua" spaghetti fundraiser! 88 banana chocolate chip muffins and a double chocolate cake later I was pooped but hopefully contributed something useful to a great cause!! 

Things are going well with my mom next door teaching the other grade 2 class! We are still doing lots of team teaching, planning and of course the ever entertaining marking together. With report cards just around the corner we are working hard to get some marks in!

On a side note, I have seemed to have either pinched a nerve or done something to my sciatic nerve or have advanced stage leg cancer because I am currently experiencing the most excruciating pain known to man. A week of this and I am ready to go '127 Hours' on this mother (Cred to Eryl). Anyways if anyone knows a cure for deep, excruciating pain whenever I do ANYTHING that isn't what I've already tried (heat, stretching, staying off it, staying on it, heavy doses of painkiller) I'm ALLL ears!! 

So I've noticed that Carmonika never really regained her girlish figure after becoming Wemindji's Octo-Mom and birthing 8 inconvenient children. This led me to realize that she doesn't get much exercise and perhaps that was because she lacked the space (and wheel) necessary to get in some true calisthenics.  Her ball would suffice but since Bobo seems to think she is some kind of mini puppy that wants to be tasted constantly, letting her roll around in a clear treat ball didn't seem like such a great idea. So I did some online pet store shopping and got the best multi-leveled home for a hammy that money could buy, complete with a wheel! Carmonika, you will be bikini ready in no time! This new home will also free up a new apartment for Nick, one of Carmonika's offspring. Nick is...well Nick is determined. He is in sweet sick love with his own sister and recently I found them....together. Their cages are connected but separated and they can't usually get together but as I mentioned, Nick is determined and well bingo bango and the time has come to provide them with their own solitary, fully detached homes. 

Happy February!!

Mummy and I on Jersey Day! Represent!!

Thanks Oprah. 

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