Tuesday, 10 December 2013

100 Posts/Crazy Snow Day!

WOWIE 100 posts. I either have no life or such an exciting one that I can't stop writing (typing?) about it! Anyways, so much has happened I feel over this past year and a bit, I am glad that I am able to share the little and big things with friends, family and even strangers! 

Okay on to business. Basically I had the most traumatic Friday in a long time this last week. Thursday night we got hit with a pretty epic storm. High winds of over 90km, snow and gigantic drifts everywhere and very low visibility. I came home to AWFUL drifts in my driveway (I am dreading the rest of winter now) and attempted to shovel myself in. After half an hour of hardcore cardio I gave up and parked on the street, knowing I would be at school before the plow made its rounds in the morning so I wasn't too worried about being in the way. So the storm raged all night, not letting up one bit. When I left in the morning I still could not see A THING in front of me. I drove out and immediately got stuck. With some highly evolved skill (turning the wheel frantically from side to side) I was able to unstuck myself and was on my merry way. Tra la la and 30 seconds later I hit one of those "pop up" drifts you hear about in the middle of the road.... I was stuck. And by "stuck" I mean "CALL-A-TOW TRUCK-STUCK".  There was no reversing or plowing through. I immediately alerted my friends (some of whom needed to clarify that I was actually stuck due to my flare for the dramatics) and they (Brandi, Carmen, Monika and Sam!! <3) came to my rescue! 4 friends, 1 me and an HOUR later I was free! Oh did I mention that during this time (90km/hr + winds, icy snow stinging your face, shoveling snow from beneath a behemoth van) that I got a NOSEBLEED?! Yes. I have the karma of kitten murderer. 

So, in between digging out my car, tending to my hemmoraging nose, freezing to death and texting my principal warning I may be a *little* late, a snow day was finally called and we could dig my van out with a little less hysteria. Once my van was dug out (BIG props to Brandi who expertly maneuvered my van out of the drift) I pranced (still snow storming) down the street to say hi to Karen who had just dropped a student off who had come to school without knowing about the snow day. As I warned her not to go up the street I had just gotten unstuck from, she backed up and immediately became stuck in another snow drift!! SERIOUSLY. So I grabbed my shovel and myself and another teacher began digging HER out! All while this was happening, the SCHOOL BUS got stuck on the corner of my street with KIDS on it. I am actually laughing as I reminisce about these events. Honestly, what else! So the police showed up and blocked off the street for a few minutes while a caterpillar machine with a plow attached came an freed the bus. Insane. At this point my jeans were frozen to my legs (my mother, upon hearing these events immediately bought me a pair of snow pants and priced snow blowers at Canadian Tire) and I went inside to nurse my frost bitten legs back to health. Did you know frozen jeans act as a great hair removal system? Try it. 

After lunch the snowplow finally came by   and the kindest most wonderful gentleman in the plow cleared my entire driveway so I could move my car off the street (one of two visits that day. I have a renewed faith in humanity)! He cleared my driveway in about 30 seconds, something that would have taken me literally hours and the end result being me dead in a snowbank. In between cups of hot green tea and baths, I was outside maintaining my driveway and watching movies, a perfect a snow day! 

This post might have a "Part 2" as I was told today we are expecting another wicked storm at the end of the week. HOORAY. Wish me luck!

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