Saturday, 24 August 2013

1 Week Down!

Well the first week of school has come and gone and I would call it a success! My students really worked hard, harder than they have for 6 weeks at least (same goes for me) and it shows.  I got a good idea of their basic skills and what areas I need to focus on in the coming weeks to ensure a successful year.

It was nice knowing that I had the GVC starting pretty much from Day 1, rather than starting with it 6 weeks late, so there is a little less pressure than last year.  Being able to take my time and make sure the students grasp the skill before rushing on was a really nice feeling! The nice thing about the way the GVC is designed is that often you will revisit certain concepts later on in the year to deal with issues of retention.  While this is helpful for time purposes (you know you will visit the concept again so there it is not a huge deal if the students are a bit hazy and you have run out of GVC scheduled time to teach the concept, you will come back to it), it also makes it hard to plan units.  Some concepts like time or measurement are revisited more than once, adding new curriculum expectations with each visitation, so planning a tidy unit becomes difficult as you have to return to the concept, reteach and add new concepts.  A little disorganized but I understand the point.

I am very happy to report that my new group of students are very open to formal oral discussion.  We have delved into oral discussion at any chance and always at carpet time and often these "formal oral discussions" are cleverly disguised by yours truly as ice breakers! For example, "This is not a ______________" is a great way to students to be creative and think on their feet, responding loudly for others to hear.  It is a simple game but it helps students get comfortable speaking in front of others and work on their feelings of vulnerability in oral settings. Since again this year one of of the Cree School Board's focuses is oral language development, I am working hard to make oral language skill development a vital part of our daily routine. 

On another note I have injured myself yet again!  Today as I was climbing my stairs I rolled on my ankle and heard two loud pops! I am bruised and battered but I will survive.  Nothing a a few Oreos and a movie on my couch won't help.  Besides, what is starting the new school year without a grievous bodily injury?

Next week we have only 2 teaching days (yay!) and 3 PED days!  During these PED days the staff that isn't going for high school and Pre-K and K GVC training will be receiving TRIBES training!  TRIBES is an AWESOME program that helps teachers create a learning community within the classroom through fun, academically relevant activities and skill-building ice breakers.  I am so lucky to be receiving TRIBES training for the second time and I definitely feel like I will learn something new! It is going to be a great few days!

Next weekend (weather permitting) I am hoping to hop on a water taxi and take a boat trip to Old Factory (the previous site of Wemindji before moving to the present location roughly 50 years ago).  The Old Factory islands are going to be filled with residents of Wemindji as many are going to camp out and celebrate Wemindji and the Cree Nation's heritage! The only drawback is that if it gets too foggy (like it has been EVERYDAY since I arrived) the water taxis may not return to Wemindji, leaving those who are not prepared to camp (ME), stranded!! I am hoping for the best because it is getting cold fast this year and I would love to see the islands before it gets too cold to do so!

Have a great weekend!

Hail. In August.  No biggie.


Supposed to show you how dark it is in the morning during this perma-storm we are experiencing up here.

Little patio set Monika and I built!!

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