Sunday, 10 March 2013

Snowmobile Sled Near Death Experience Time!

Holy moly.

Well, today I expected to see maybe a few people here and there as I crossed the street to school and prepped in the classroom.  Who knew that I would be seen by people I respect and value the opinions of in my unshowered and unmade-up (hairy-eyebrowed) state AGAIN!  Something tells me I should start leaving the house anticipating meeting the Queen.  I cannot keep letting myself out doors so unkempt.  That, however is another story.

So as I was working away in my classroom I got an invite to go out with Marsha, JEREMY BROWN, Stacy, Daren, Monika and Carmen on a snowmobile tour! Monika and I practiced "holding on" to one another to ride on an actual snowmobile and decided we'd rather be dragged in GIANT sleds behind snowmobiles which turned out to be hilarious fun.  I haven't laughed so hard in a long time, so hard my "abs" hurt and I cried.  Monika and I were first dragged behind Daren's Ski-do in a GIANT wooden sled.  This thing could fight battle in a war it was so sturdy and SAFE. (Stress on the word: safe).  It was pretty formidable so we didn't go too fast or crazy but it was super fun!

Then, we returned to base where Monika and I switched out and got behind JEREMY BROWN'S Ski-do in a smaller sled that appeared safe at first but once we CROSSED OPEN WATER seemed not to safe after all. Monika and I were pulled behind this Ski-do, driven by the heroic and totally capable JEREMY BROWN all over Wemindji and then along the shores of the James Bay.  It was scenic and exciting and hilarious.  The bumps were like riding a winter roller coaster in a pleasant snow storm...

So after deciding that the new, very wet and heavy snow would not allow us to venture further into the Great White North, we turned around, drove THROUGH FEET OF MELTING JAMES BAY SLUSH WATER and got subsequently eaten by a Great White Shark!


I was thoroughly terrified as you can imagine, but luckily Marsha captured my truly frightened reaction to being pulled through melting ice and open water. JEREMY BROWN swiftly dodged the shark hiding beneath those icy shores, truly a master 'mobiler. Thank you sir, for both endangering and saving our lives.

A jolly good time! FROZEN

I am actually smiling.

Sled #2 - slightly less tank-like

His & Hers Ski-Dos! Stacy and Daren

Trying to protect myself from the flying bullet-like snowballs kicked up by the ski-do

You might have guessed that we actually didn't encounter a great white...

Riding in style! (and safety)

Ski-do parking lot

Adventure time!



Excitement got a little frosty...

Jeremy Brown and Marsha - ever beautiful couple.

All tucked in and ready to be SCARED TO DEATH!!


Just a little stuck..

I believe this might be where Stacy was JUMPING ON THE ICE.

The end result!!

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