Friday, 29 March 2013

Rouyn Adventure and Moving on Up!

So much has happened in the last few days!

Carmen and I made the 9+ hour trip to Rouyn in Quebec to take our English Proficiency Exams.  It was kind of a joke because they let us write together in a room alone and away from any official eyes where we could fully cheat (but didn't of course).  The test itself wasn't too difficult, answering a series of questions about an article and then writing a short essay on a specific topic.  It took a couple of hours and my hand was hurting at the end! 

After that we could finally relax and get shopping - oh and shop we did!  I attacked that Dollarama like a hurricane.  They didn't know what hit em.  Carmen's parents drove up on Friday night to celebrate Carmen's 25th birthday which was pretty awesome! They stayed for the rest of the weekend until we left on Sunday morning.

On the way up my windshield sustained a few small chips and a tiny crack which I decided to get fixed since I knew I was taking a pretty rough trip home and didn't want the damage to get worse.  So I got them filled - the end.  Or not.  On the way home, about an hour outside of civilization deep in Frenchyville a huge rock bounced off my windshield and left me with a penny-sized chip that is almost all the way through!! AWESOMMEEEEEE!  So I had no where to get it fixed sadly and made it home without any further chipping or splitting but I am anxious now about the trip home at Goosebreak and I hope I don't do any more damage!!

So I came back to a pretty sweet teaching week this week which made the long trip home a little more bearable.  Monday was a PED day which didn't require much mental commitment and Tuesday through to Thursday which was my class's Easter party and overall quiet day with only 8 kids! Friday and Monday are no school days due to Easter holidays and I have to say I am quite excited to have a long weekend and 2 days off school with no official school duties to attend to!! These 4 days are all mine!! I WILL SLEEP!! I am so excited.  There are a couple of birthday celebrations to attend which will be quite fun and I am looking forward to deep cleaning my home, getting some hardcore planning done and relaxing!

The weather here has slowly been getting warmer which means the incredible mountains of snow are melting and there is slush, then ice, then slush EVERYWHERE.  The one good thing is that this town doesn't use salt to melt ice, just sand.  So while I don't have gross salt stains all over my clothes, I do have sand all over and it is killing me!  Oh well, I shouldn't complain, the sun is shining, I am receiving plenty of natural Vitamin D and I don't have to shovel anymore YAY!!

This week was also our housing meeting where new houses are allocated to teachers!! Since 6 brand-new houses finally became available, 6 teachers moved on up leaving 6 houses around town available!  So I will soon be moving to a really nice 2 bedroom semi-detached home with a large open concept kitchen and living room, huge bathroom, lots of storage and a laundry room and *drumroll* a wood burning stove!! It will be so nice to sit back in the winter with the fire crackling with a good book (who am I kidding I'll probably be cutting out lamination).  The downside is cell phone reception is pretty awful so I will have to get a land line.  I am also going to bite the bullet and arrange to start getting satellite TV.  While I have lived long enough without tv in the past and managed to download everything I needed or wanted to watch, the internet here is so slow, it would actually be faster to watch the shows I like in real time :| Plus I watched 2 episodes of COPS in Rouyn and forgot how much I love that show.  So sign me up!!

Anyways, Easter weekend is upon us now and I plan to do nothing but sleep, clean and plan and hang out.  Goosebreak is 4 weeks away (18 school days but who's counting!?) and I will be driving down to see friends, family, get work done on my car and hopefully relax! OH AND GO TO COSTCO.

Rupert River half frozen

My Comfort Inn haul!

KM 70, a really beautiful view!


Bridge at the Rupert River

My view for 20+ hours haha

Easter Cupcakes!

How Carmen and I communicated throughout the trip! No cell reception for most of the drive meant if we needed to pull over for gas etc, we could just walkie talkie! It made for some pretty funny conversation.

No comment. I AM SO BUMMED.

Note I did not completely over-pack my car this time! Modest if I do say so myself!

Oh yeah this is KM 381, the only gas station for around 200 KM in one direction and 381 in the other.  Everyone HAS to stop there for gas if you want to finish your trip.  Its pretty fancy..

The grocery store in Matagami.  Carmen and I had a little freak out.

Mecca AKA Wal Mart

Crazy slush-ice on Carmen's car

The end of the Access Road! KM 0! Welcome to/Thanks for visiting Wemindji!

My lopsided cake and Carmen's 2nd 24th birthday...

Carmen's birthday celebration at MIKES delish!

In the lobby of our hotel!! $5 WHAT



I STILL have not seen any substantial wildlife!

Ommie Nommies!

These are the diamonds I talk about. 1 diamond means "watch out a big bump! 2 means "AYAYAY bigger bump!" 3 means "YOU LOST A TIRE"... Sometimes.  Some of these bumps are filled in but the diamonds have not been removed and some bumps have NO diamonds at all so its a surprise roller coaster ride! 

A bush camp along the way

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Girl's Club and Rouyn

The last few weeks have been crazy busy (by my standards...) and I forgot to mention that Girl's Club (formerly Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun) is taking off!  The Saturdays self-esteem, girls-only program Karen and I started has evolved from a pretty structured workshop-style program to a lot more interactive, physical and motivational day of fun activities that the girls seem to really be enjoying! More are showing up this week and since we opened up the program to grades 2-6, we are getting a lot more interest from the younger grades.  I am sadly missing this weekend to write my test in Rouyn but I predict a good turn out.  Karen and I are already getting ideas and programming options for the next session and the boys are begging for a Boy's Club!

I am also travelling with Carmen to Rouyn this Thursday morning to write our English Proficiency Exam so that we can gain our Quebec teaching permits and secure our jobs for next year!  I am a little nervous since it is a 70% pass, but I hear it is mostly grammar and some short essay writing so hopefully it should be a breeze! I haven't been out of school that long so let's hope all my essay writing capabilities haven't completely gone out the window!

Besides writing the test Carmen and I have a lot planned for this weekend!  Her parents are flying up on Friday night (weather permitted) and have graciously offered to bring my mother!! I am soooo excited to be spending some surprise time with my mom and even though she is a little afraid of flying in such a small plane, it is worth it! So we have hotels booked and lots of shopping and dinner planned.  It is also Carmen's 25THHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH birthday (ha) so there is lots to celebrate! The drive will take about 9-10 hours, depending on how many pee breaks Carmen's puppy needs.  I at one time mistakenly thought that there was a Costco in Rouyn but sadly that is untrue.  However, everything else I need (Shoppers, Loblaws and the Holy Grail - DOLLARAMA) is conveniently located there so I am a happy camper. 

We are staying Thursday through Saturday nights and it will be a welcomed respite from the craziness that is my life.  People mentioned when I first started here that the stretch between January and Goose Break (end of April) was the longest and most crazy.  They weren't kidding.  The kids are tired and attendance is spotty with so many tournaments and sickness and plain old not wanting to come to school.  Teachers are stressed to the max with report cards, long days and tired students.  Luckily the next 5 weeks are light as far as days of school with lots of PED days and holidays and I really need it!  I have definitely developed OCD about my floors at home.  I clean them and then get obsessive about keeping them clean.  Carmen and Monika know this, I got snow on my floor and freaked out.  I need a holiday stat.  On a side note, I have gotten a lot of planning done recently so I feel less stressed and more excited to push my students further so they can go off to Grade 3 ready to tackle anything!

Next week is also the housing meetings.  I am SO EXCITED for this meeting.  The new houses are basically ready and people will be moving on up.  Now of course I won't be getting a brand new house being at the bottom of the totem pole but I will be moving out to somewhere. I love my little triplex house, it is the perfect size and very conveniently located and I have everything exactly how I like it.  I honestly probably wouldn't move if it wasn't for the issues that keep arising with maintenance and health and safety, so I will be moving to a new house sometime in the spring once everyone above me has been placed.  The meeting itself promises drama so I am more excited to see that than anything else!

Anyways I leave bright and early Thursday morning so wish me luck on the highway and let's hope I can successfully transfer my Steve Jobs Biography onto my Iphone because I need something good to listen to on my 20+ hours of driving I am looking forward to!!

 Oh look its snowing...

 Oh yeah THIS was in the front of the Community Hall today. No biggie.
Yes that's right, a dead and gutted moose mere feet away from the grocery store entrance.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Snowmobile Sled Near Death Experience Time!

Holy moly.

Well, today I expected to see maybe a few people here and there as I crossed the street to school and prepped in the classroom.  Who knew that I would be seen by people I respect and value the opinions of in my unshowered and unmade-up (hairy-eyebrowed) state AGAIN!  Something tells me I should start leaving the house anticipating meeting the Queen.  I cannot keep letting myself out doors so unkempt.  That, however is another story.

So as I was working away in my classroom I got an invite to go out with Marsha, JEREMY BROWN, Stacy, Daren, Monika and Carmen on a snowmobile tour! Monika and I practiced "holding on" to one another to ride on an actual snowmobile and decided we'd rather be dragged in GIANT sleds behind snowmobiles which turned out to be hilarious fun.  I haven't laughed so hard in a long time, so hard my "abs" hurt and I cried.  Monika and I were first dragged behind Daren's Ski-do in a GIANT wooden sled.  This thing could fight battle in a war it was so sturdy and SAFE. (Stress on the word: safe).  It was pretty formidable so we didn't go too fast or crazy but it was super fun!

Then, we returned to base where Monika and I switched out and got behind JEREMY BROWN'S Ski-do in a smaller sled that appeared safe at first but once we CROSSED OPEN WATER seemed not to safe after all. Monika and I were pulled behind this Ski-do, driven by the heroic and totally capable JEREMY BROWN all over Wemindji and then along the shores of the James Bay.  It was scenic and exciting and hilarious.  The bumps were like riding a winter roller coaster in a pleasant snow storm...

So after deciding that the new, very wet and heavy snow would not allow us to venture further into the Great White North, we turned around, drove THROUGH FEET OF MELTING JAMES BAY SLUSH WATER and got subsequently eaten by a Great White Shark!


I was thoroughly terrified as you can imagine, but luckily Marsha captured my truly frightened reaction to being pulled through melting ice and open water. JEREMY BROWN swiftly dodged the shark hiding beneath those icy shores, truly a master 'mobiler. Thank you sir, for both endangering and saving our lives.

A jolly good time! FROZEN

I am actually smiling.

Sled #2 - slightly less tank-like

His & Hers Ski-Dos! Stacy and Daren

Trying to protect myself from the flying bullet-like snowballs kicked up by the ski-do

You might have guessed that we actually didn't encounter a great white...

Riding in style! (and safety)

Ski-do parking lot

Adventure time!



Excitement got a little frosty...

Jeremy Brown and Marsha - ever beautiful couple.

All tucked in and ready to be SCARED TO DEATH!!


Just a little stuck..

I believe this might be where Stacy was JUMPING ON THE ICE.

The end result!!