Sunday, 30 September 2012

I am better

Sorry for so much time between posts folks.  I have been sick, busy and a teacher.  Enough said!! I am currently on the mend from a vicious cold (no thanks to ColdFX) and eating from my $9 bag of grapes.  Kill me. 

Last week was pretty uneventful.  Baby Puppy is still with us, still pooing EVERYWHERE and maybe still has worms, we'll find out the next time she refuses to use the outdoors as a toilet (ergo: using my bathroom rug) if she is still afflicted. 

Carmen's parents visited this weekend which was really nice! They flew up Thursday afternoon IN THEIR PLANE (one can dream!) and brought me some delicious feta cheese by request.  They cooked us a delicious steak dinner on Friday night and we stayed up long past our bedtimes talking about work, the town and lots of other things.  It was really nice to get to know Carmen's parents a little more and get all the puppies together.  Baby Puppy, it turns out, is a beast and beats up all her siblings with a ferocity that I fear at night.  She growls at me (and licks me) every time I pick her up.  I don't get this one.  She loves and she hates, I'm sick of the games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday was the school's annual Terry Fox Run which was pretty great! My class raised a HUGE BAG of money which I decided to leave to someone else to count.  We were really proud of ourselves but the reason behind raising money for Terry Fox raised a few questions with the class so we had a few discussions about cancer, death, as well as what fund raising was and why we do it. 

This week is going to be a busy one at school, I am introducing spelling and poetry to the class and we have a week of fun Thanksgiving activities to do!

Oh god Baby Puppy just farted and it smells so bad.


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