Wednesday, 15 August 2012

New Day New Grade!

Well today before lunch we new teachers got a pretty big surprise! Due to some necessary restructuring, I got moved from grade 5 to grade 2, Carmen from grade 2 to grade 1, Karen from grade 4 to grade 3, Danielle from grade 3 to grade 5, and another teacher got the entire grade 4 class of 21. A bit wild!

I am quite happy in my new position despite not having any primary resources here with me, I left them all in Oakville. Teachers have already been very helpful and generous in sharing what they have and I am grateful!! I also have a new teaching partner, Stacey, who is FANTASTIC! I can't wait to start planning with her, sharing some ideas, and collaborating on a great year for the grade 2s!

I still have 15 students which is great and I've also been moved to what used to be the multi-purpose room. I am ECSTATIC about this move because as you might remember my old room was a shoebox (I'll post pictures soon) and my new room, while not intended as a classroom, is about 5 times the size which means I have room for awesome centers and lots of easy flow.

I am exhausted, especially after setting up an entire classroom already this week and now starting from scratch once again, but very happy with the change and ready to start some planning and ordering of supplies!!


Ps you might have heard that the town's only grocery store, post office and bank caught on fire. This is true. This is also apocalyptic. And I have no cash and no way to kill my dinner. I would ask someone to send me a bow and arrow so I can kill me a caribou or something but there's no post office.

Love Aidan

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