Sunday, 25 September 2016

If it's broke, please fix it!!

Good things come to those who wait! RIGHT??

I hate to be a whiner so I will keep this short.  I am still suffering with some mystery back/leg/foot issues.  I have had to take almost a week off work to try and heal and with a little progress.  I am going back to work on Monday still in a considerable amount of pain, but a different kind of pain.  I am accessing as much medical attention as I can living in a remote location, and trying my best to do what I can to alleviate pain and get moving!! I think it will be a slow process and because I can't access the kind of medical attention that would probably solve my problem a lot faster, it will be a game of wait and see, as well as taking it easy and making some changes to lifestyle and general treatment to address the problems.

I have, however become extremely resourceful in temporarily modifying my lifestyle to accommodate mystery discomfort and all around mobility issues!  For example, I found those little felt sticky patches you adhere to the bottoms of chair legs and put them on all my kitchen chairs.  Now, the chairs I use as my walkers (I'm not kidding) are much easier to slide around on the floors as I help myself get from point A to point B! I have gotten a medication schedule down to an exact science so I am never/not without pain relief.  Bobo has become incredibly accommodating and patient as he now knows it takes roughly 5-10 minutes to get from bed/the couch/my favorite chair to the front door to let him out.  He is a saint in this regard and has not had one accident since I hurt myself!! Precious boy.

Perhaps the one thing I am really missing out on is this gorgeous fall weather Wemindji is experiencing right now! The sun is shining, there is a cool breeze and NO BUGS!! I love fall in Wemindji and hate to be missing out on the brief window of time where I can be outside without sweating like a beast and being eaten alive by a million black flies.  Oh well, I will have to admire the short season from my deck as I watch Bobo bark to the entire community, altering them to his presence.  Like I said, precious boy....

I have to say however, I have been actually blown away by the caring and concern an generosity of my coworkers and most of all, my closest friends in Wemindji.  I am not one who asks for help often or easily and it takes a lot for me to admit I need the assistance of someone (re: took me 6 months to ask a friend to fix my satellite...). My friends make it easy.  Knowing me and my stubbornness, they didn't wait for me to ask for help, they just DID whatever needed being done.  I had meals cooked for me, rides to the clinic, company at appointments, my mail delivered, special treats and lots of visits and messages checking up on me, care paid to my classroom while I was away, you name it - they took care of it without a question or complaint.  These kinds of actions make you know you have GOOD people in your life.  I don't have a blood-relatives in Wemindji (unless you count Bobo) and the friends I have here have truly become my surrogate family in all ways possible.  I have cried with them, shared personal thoughts, ideas, feelings, secrets, worries, triumphs and they have all done the same in return.  I have a genuine love and respect for these people in my life and I know I am very lucky to not only generally have these people in my life, but to have them at a time when I am truly struggling and need help the most.  Sorry to sound so sappy but credit given where credit is due! I have the bestest of friends ALL OVER THE COUNTRY!! Yay for me.

Otherwise, having a week off to heal has helped me to realize my house is far too dusty, my bed far too comfy and I am spending too much personal time at work.  I think this year (and I say this every year, but I mean it this time!!!) I must find a few more outlets that are just for me!! I have a few years of grade 2 under my belt so I have the resources and knowledge necessary to have what I think could be a successful year.  I don't need to be spending all day every day on the weekend or every night until midnight researching and planning and prepping.  I've been doing it for years and now I think I can relax a little and focus more on me! Don't get me wrong, there is nothing I love more than doing my job and doing it well.  I take great pride in my efficiency, my classroom and my ability to teach but that can only fulfill one area of life.  When that area takes up 85% of your personal life, obviously other things get neglected and it really is time to start shifting the focus to me a little more.  I was away for 4 days of school last week and did my classroom burn down?  No.  Did I lose any professional standing? No.  Did I forget how to teach or not know what I am doing on Monday morning? No.  Did I do any "work" while I was resting (other than cut out lamination which I compare to meditation so leave that one alone!!)? No.  And did my world collapse?  No!! So, that proves it.  I can start paying better attention to myself and my friends and perhaps a HOBBY I've always dreamed about and still be a good teacher!! I can't wait to become more mobile and really have a LIFE outside the classroom.  I think there will always be a part of me that will slightly obsessed about being prepared and planned, and in the business of education, I definitely don't think that is a bad thing.  It just needs to be toned down a little.  While doing my job makes me the happiest, it doesn't have to be the ONLY thing that makes me happy.  Changing your mindset is a hard but powerful thing to do and I think I am on my way to making some real changes this year, my last of my 20s!!!

That brings me to another point.  In just a week and a half, it will be my 29th birthday.  I am both excited (for the party) and nervous that this is the end of what I jokingly refer to as my youth.  I don't feel older (except in body) so the transition into the end of my 20s is confusing.  I guess the fear of ending my 20s is partially due to social expectations and restraints, and while I don't feel any biological clock ticking in that sense, I do wish that I was doing more with my life.  Who knows, that might mean a big change of some kind in the near future, or just a series of smaller changes.  I really have no idea and no plans but I am definitely excited to see what the future holds for me.  I feel lucky to have spent my 20s learning A LOT about myself and having crazy experiences and meeting the most wonderful people.

Anyways, enough about that.  Last weekend (which was probably a mistake due to my physical issues) I had a MASSIVE yard sale with Marsha, Meghan and Meredith.  It was a complete success and actually so much fun.  I even got a sunburn!!! I got rid of a lot of clutter and old clothes and I will definitely try to have one again before the much cooler weather gets here.  It was great to de-clutter and take inventory of what I truly need and what I just have.  I have a lot of crap I'll tell you that.  I gave a bunch of unsold books to our staff room, saw TONS of clothes with tags still on them (wahh) to good homes and generally felt good about cleaning out the closets.  Don't get me wrong, I still have wayyyyyy too much stuff, but it's a start!! I used to do the "every 3 months get rid of 1/3 of your junk" thing and I think I will get back on that.

Not this weekend but next weekend is also my BIRTHDAY PARTYYYYY! The theme is "me" so just use your imagination.  It is going to be amazing.  I won't give you too many hints (other than it is completely self-indulgent and if you don't know me then it will seem extremely weird) but it's going to be "off da chain" as the kids say.  Stay tuned.

Anyway people, stay happy and healthy and catcha on the flipside.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

The Curse of the Broken Butt

It felt like only yesterday that I was sitting here in my Wemindji home, so crippled from a broken butt I could hardly walk.  In fact, it was just two and a half years ago that was my life, and here I am again folks.  Saddled up (or down) with a broken butt AGAIN.

Allow me to recap for those of you who don't know me well enough to have heard the story a hundred times.

One day two years ago I woke up and my left butt cheek REALLY hurt. Like, sharp shooting pain from the middle of my butt straight down the back of my leg to my knee area.  I couldn't put any weight on it, I hobbled around for a couple of weeks until I finally went to the clinic with help from Monika (who literally had to be my walker since I could no longer take steps unaided) and was treated immediately by the nursing staff there.  Over the next couple of weeks I was diagnosed with this or that (at one point sciatica) none of which were accurate, until I was finally able to see the physiotherapist who saved my life.  I was near death in my opinion, in complete agony and unable to get around easily (especially in the pits of winter). She diagnosed me with a damaged sacral joint (a joint in your butt, not to be confused with your back or tailbone) and immediately started me on physiotherapy three times a week, a steady flow of meds and all the care and love I so desperately needed from a mother figure at the time.  LOL.

After a strict routine of stretching, icing and medication, I healed, the whole experience lasting about 2 months.  I used a cane and crutches to help me through the darkest days and I NEVER want to feel that pain again. I should invest in one of these now that I think about it.

That is why when, 3 weeks ago I hurt my back lifting a box and felt the old familiar twinge in the butt, I knew what was up.  I immediately began my stretches, icing and dosing myself up.  However it wasn't getting any better and I was beginning to feel very crippled.  So I took myself to the clinic already self-diagnosed and was helped by a very friendly and knowledgeable nurse.  Already having my history with my butt in the file, he decided to dose me up and send me on my way.  They weren't the same meds as I had before so to be honest, at first nothing was helping.  I went back a week later and was given a fine cocktail of pharmaceuticals which have actually been helping and I truly feel like this time it might not take 2 months to heal!! I am going to the pool to take some of the pressure off my lower back and also because its so relaxing to just float, especially after my hard days at work as of late.

Anyways, other than being crippled once again, things are trucking along as usual.  Busy days at work and lots of deadlines to meet but I am trying to take more time for me and my sweet little pupper Bobo, and of course friends.  I hosted my annual Ladies Whine and Cheese night last weekend which was really awesome!  It was great to get together with a lot of new faces and get to know each other, catch up with old friends and just relax! Lots of laughs were had, some delicious cheese and wine consumed and I was in bed around midnight!  A perfect evening in my opinion hehe.

Happy family in their new apartment!

Anyways, a new week starting tomorrow an boy I can't wait for all the adventures it is sure to have in store for me!