Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Done Driving

That's it. 

I'm serious this time!!!!! I cannot, will not drive at Christmas again. Screw it!! After last weekend's journey home I realize that I am single handedly keeping the world's tire companies in business. 

Yes ladies and gentlemen I got yet ANOTHER flat on my way home last Saturday morning (which Facebook gleefully reminded me I also did exactly one year ago on that date as well!! Ahh, memories). 

Let's start from the beginning. I decided to leave Wemindji on Saturday morning because I would have light and safety on my side. I was prepared with my first aid kit and plenty of candles, a fully charged phone and fully charged portable charger, my SPOT with fresh batteries inside and transmitting all test messages successfully and my pride, a full-sized tire on a rim in the trunk 
incase of emergencies. A donut tire for a car my size is really a joke so I knew that if I needed to change a tire in the future, it had to be legit. I woke early to pack the last few things (hamsters) in the van and I was off. Oh but not before I let my kitchen sink run over for the entirety of my shower by accident, which I took as a bad omen. 

So off we (coworker and friend Samantha and her dog Ellie) left at 7:30am, driving at a safe and productive speed down the access road towards civilization. At about KM90 my tire pressure sensor came on and for a moment I ignored it, as my tire pressure sensor often goes off in cold weather. However a few minutes later the car became hard to handle and I heard some questionable noises coming from the road. I pulled over and my tire was completely flat. Again. This is not an old tire. This is not a repaired tire. This is a tire that I received when I bought my van roughly a year ago. So needless to say I was TICKED. This was the third flat on a winter tire I received from the dealership on the SAME wheel in one year. So I'm beginning to think it's not me. 

Anyways so I pulled over and investigated. I also went to my darkside mentally but still managed to turn on to crisis mode. I pushed the feelings of despair and defeat deep down inside and told them I would feed them cookies later. We had business to attend to. 

I emptied out my van of all things heavy. I got out my spare and my tire changing accoutrements. I looked at the tire and said "oh hell no" and went back inside the car to get warm. Samantha and I decided that we would just wait on the side of the access road until someone came along who could help. So we did! We got the flat around 8:45 and waited about 45 minutes until a WONDERFUL mechanic from Tawich Construction came along. He was on his way to one of the hydro stations further north and pulled over and helped us immediately. I felt so secure knowing a real mechanic was changing my tire and that it wasn't going to fly off 4km down the road like it probably would have had I done the job. I don't have a lot of upper body strength...

So we paid the kind sir in cookies and thanked him profusely, dancing like minstrels when all was said and done. We were off!

The ride from then on was pretty much uneventful. I suppose Santa Claus witnessed my hardship and decided one bad thing per trip is enough for my poor ticker and a flat was all I got. Merci Pere Noel. The roads were fantastic and the skies clear. I had good company, lots of laughs and and early start the next day which brought me home just after lunch on Sunday! What an adventure!!

Well since then I have been a real social butterfly, seeing friends and family and fitting in last minute shopping. Today I am seeing my sister for lunch and possibly a movie later. One thing I really do miss is the movie theatre experience so I am taking full advantage of movies this Christmas and am going to try and squeeze in an many as possible!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all you lovely people. 

Love Aidan 

Saturday, 13 December 2014

The Countdown is On!

One week until my Christmas vacation begins!! It couldn't come at a better time and I certainly feel like I have earned a couple of weeks off to relax at home in Oakville. I'll be leaving bright and early Saturday morning with my friend Samantha and her dog Ellie. Our last working day is Friday but by the time school is over the sun is setting and given my past experiences with driving in the dark and the winter, I thought it be best I leave the next day. So we leave Saturday so I can have the daylight on my side and better chances of seeing things like: a) giant potholes or b) space metal. Another upside to leaving on Saturday is I get to take my time cleaning up my classroom on Friday and getting things ready for my return, packing up my stuff and "closing" my house. It's always a mad dash to leave right after school and while I'd like the extra day at home, leaving calmly and safely is my main objective. 

This past week at school has been predictably nuts with Christmas concert practice, starting and finishing units and overall holiday craziness! This upcoming week will be even crazier as we have the Christmas concert midweek, classroom holiday parities and general holiday stuff as well as dealing with the palpable frenetic Christmas energy that is sweeping the halls! 

We have been busy this week in our Cycle with our Elves, wrapping up addition and our language arts Gingerbread Unit! We have lots of fun planned for this upcoming week but it will definitely be busy and crazy! 

This week was also our staff Christmas party! It was really well done this year and the staff who planned it went all out! The food was amazing and I had a really nice time with friends and colleagues!

Last night I hosted a ladies-only wine and cheese night! Fridays, in my opinion, are the worst times to have social events. People are tired from the long week and usually just want to relax (well that's me anyways). However I think that we all needed a night to sit down together, relax and just decompress! It was awesome to have most of the ladies from school out and have some good cheese, good wine and good laughs! 

I'm really looking forward to having a couple of friends over next week, getting through the Christmas concert (which I think it going to be super cute) and then taking off!! 

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

I survived the power out of 2014

What a wild 24 hours! Last night around 9:45pm as I was doing my bed time reading (buzzfeed) and chatting with some friends online, the lights and my fan cut out. The sudden silence startled me and I thought "uh oh". We have had a couple of power outs in the past few days so this blackout didn't come as a huge surprise immediately. The lights flickered a few minutes later but remained off. 

Having no cell reception or Internet connection, I couldn't communicate with the rest of my Wemindji friends to see how they were but one quick look out the window told me that the rest of the town was without power too. 

I had enough cell battery to last me through the night and still have an alarm so I wasn't too stressed about waking up in the morning. I talked on the landline to my mom for a while and then went to sleep. 

When I woke up at 6 this morning, the power was still out and it was COLD in my house. COLD. Almost nine hours of -20 temperature and winds had brought the temperature down drastically inside the house. The floors were cold. The rooms were cold. My feet were cold. The toilet seat was....cold. 

I got ready as usual, prepared for a sudden "power on". When the power goes off during school hours, we teachers are given an hour once the power returns to get ready to return to school. Since it was still early enough for the power to return before school hours, I figured I would just be ready for a regular day just incase. I took an extra long hot shower and got ready by candlelight! 

Around 7am I finally got some 3G reception and was able to talk to my friends and they were all also without power, cold and running out of battery life. So I picked them up and we drove around town for a while, attempting to charge our phones, make predictions for the day's possible events and get warm. 

We then returned to my house where we lit a fire in my handy wood burning stove, ate some candy and then real breakfast and chatted. We sat in my living room in coats for about 2 hours when the power turned back on around 9:30!!! We were both relieved and also a little disappointed. It was nice to have power but I'm not gonna lie, a day off work would also have been pretty fantastic. That being said, due to timing and what would undoubtedly been a freezing school, the morning was cancelled and I got to take a nap!! My favorite thing!! 

The afternoon was a scheduled PED day so we came back after lunch, excitedly ran down the morning's events in the hallways, did some teachery things and now I am home, toasty as a bagel in bed. Such adventures!

Notes for next power out:

- have portable emergency gadget charger actually charged...
- have food in the house that does not require cooking (aka bread or delicious chips)
- get a flashlight that is not on your phone (lots of candles but you know my luck with fire...)
- get more firewood
- get a metal camping pot to use on BBQ/wood burning stove


Monday, 1 December 2014


Guess what! It still hasn't stopped snowing! We have gone from snowfall to constant blizzard status however and it hasn't stopped (except for some short relief on Saturday) for a week! The winds are gusting at over 80km/hr making visibility near to zero and everything is being blown away, including my sanity.

Shoveling has really taken over my life so this month I bit the bullet and paid $150 to have my driveway plowed by an industrial snowplow/snowblower service every time it snows. It is a steal seeing as though the average plow costs $60. This way my driveway will always be plowed when it snows (as it has been daily and with fervor) and I don't even have to call. Today the plow man even widened and shortened my driveway which was amazing. All of the recent snowfall has added approximately 4 feet to the end of my driveway as the snow slowly takes over the streets. It's a sight.  

On the bright side, Christmas is in full swing at MES and us Grade 1 teachers sat down tonight after school and planned out our Christmas concert song. We had soooo many laughs re-writing the old classic 12 Days of Christmas to reflect Wemindji. I can't wait to help the kids learn it starting tomorrow, so cute! 

We also started "Elf on the Shelf" today in Grade 1. Each child in my class got to submit a name to a random draw. One submission, Janet Jackson, had me laughing and wondering where this kid even heard of Ms. Jackson (if you're nasty) so I let it in. Who knew it would win?! So sadly I had to discretely scrap that one and pull again, this time landing with Sylvain for the win. So welcome Sylvain the Elf to 1B. This elf acts as a spy for Santa, watching the kids by day and reporting back to the big guy at night    Each morning the elf is posed differently, perhaps caught doing something funny or cute so the kids know he was up and about during the night. If he gets touched though he could lose his magic. Of course the first thing my kids do when they saw him nestled in our mini Christmas tree was grab him and fling him around but luckily we had not named him yet (the key to unlocking the magic) and he was still okay. 

Otherwise things have been as busy as usual. Planning time and social events are slowly filling up my weekend calendar (as if there is anything else to do) and I am looking forward to some fun nights with friends this month. 

Anyways the countdown is on! Oakville watch out I am coming home soon to sleep for 2 whole weeks!! 

Meet Sylvain 
Our names...
Saturday at 10am. We haven't recorded "sunny" on our class weather graph in weeks...
Breakfast for dinner at Sam's house!
Mr. Plow!
Elementary Mafia 

Sunday, 23 November 2014


I feel for the folks down South. I hear your complaints about the terrible snowfalls that have happened recently and how 5cm here and there have really inconvenienced you and your daily life. I get it! Believe me I do. Before I moved to the great (arguable) white (unarguable) North (very much so), I would have been overwhelmed by the recent dumping of white fluffy stuff too. But this past week I simply say to my southern complainers: suck it up. 

I have earned the right to say that. I'll tell ya why. I have earned that right because on average, I shovel about 3 times a day. I don't mean make a path to walk from car to door. No no. I mean I have to shovel my entire driveway AND the minimum 2-3ft icey snow mountain at the end of my driveway 3x DAILY.  It has snowed in Wemindji all day every day since last Wednesday the 12th. HEAVY snowfall. Snowfall that could make your mama cry. Big beautiful flakes that mean nothing more than an hour minimum of hardcore cardio. Every day is arm day at my gym. I literally have guns like Popeye at this point. I am covered in bruises and to blow dry my hair I need to take an Advil. Coming inside constantly from the cold has my house heating cranked up and despite my best efforts to stay hydrated and moisturized, I still manage to wake up looking like the crypt keeper, tongue like beef jerkey, lips stuck to teeth and skin like a crumpled paper bag. 

But it's so pretty, they say. Beautiful snowflakes falling everywhere, they say. Yah well tell me how pretty this white stuff is when it's knee (or waist) high and you have to wake up half an hour early to make sure you can get out of the driveway in time for school?? Forgive me. I know I'm getting a little carried away here. You just have to try and see it from my perspective. Tomorrow we are getting ANOTHER 15cm so in feeling just a tad pessimistic. Combating the snow and cold have turned me into a frosty-you-know-what and I'm desperately trying to turn over a new leaf. Anyways, I'll try and update to let you know if I made it through tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Changing Name of Blog to "A Series of Unfortunate Events"

Well folks it happened again. 

My beautiful baby, my pride and joy, my white angel, my minivan - has once again entered "money pit" territory. 

Let us backstart.

My friends, Monika, Meghan and Samantha decided we needed a girls weekend away. This weekend was precipitated by the promise of a purchase of a much needed snowblower in the closest major city (9 hours from here) called Rouyn. Why not make a girls getaway weekend out of it, I thought. We had a holiday Monday up north so it only made sense to book some hotel rooms and take the town by storm, Wemindji style! So we eagerly packed our bags, imagined all the fun places we'd eat at, all the nails we'd get painted, all the stores we'd empty. Rouyn had a CLAIRE'S ACCESSORIES for crying out loud!  Needless to say we were pumped. 3:40pm rolled around on Friday afternoon and we peaced out of town like bats out of hell. Oh were we in for a surprise. A surprise of the worst kind. 

It was around 11pm and we had almost hit the end of the James Bay Highway. An unforgiving stretch for us of over 500km of no cell service, icy roads and snowy terrain. We had our 90's/00's playlist blasting for hours and were cracking jokes and telling stories like we had not a care in the world. At km60 I saw the car ahead of me swerve to avoid hitting what looked like a large chunk of ice or snow. He did not move in time and ran it over. With little time to react I swerved as well and managed to avoid running over the object with my tires but did pass over it. I felt a minor bump, heard a noise and looked in my rear view and saw sparks flying off the object. Awesome. The vehicle ahead of me immediately pulled over and thinking they may need help, I pulled over too. I joined a group of 3 other cars in total on the side of the road, 2 ahead of me had run over what turned out to be part of a large truck brake system (about 1x1 foot piece of curved steel) in quick succession. Both had completely blown their tires. I couldn't see any damage to my car but a fellow driver bent down and reached under my car and brought her hand back out covered with oil - my precious car had been PIERCED. I realized then I had bit the big one. Earlier, hoping to be prepared, I had loaded a full-sized spare tire on a rim in my trunk the night before. Given my history with flats I felt I was prepared for the typical. But nothing could have readied me for this crap. 

My car was dripping oil at a fast rate and rendered undriveable immediately. The girls were shocked and worried. I was BUMMED. Images of money burning in flames, tears rolling down our faces as Dollarama signs faded out of sight danced in my head as I tried to figure out what to do. Having no cell service meant I would have to use my handy SPOT (satellite gps emergency beacon) to call for a tow. However, a fantastic Cree gentleman from Eastmain and his wife had also pulled over to help out us drivers. He offered to take us to Matagami (luckily where we were staying that night anyways) and call for a tow from there. Harvey Whiskeychan then changed the tire of one car, gave his spare to the other and loaded us up into his vehicle and we were off!! He joked with us about our desire to hit up the Dollarama and kept things light while we were all trying to keep our mindsets positive. 

We got to Matagami where I promptly called my roadside assistance through Dodge. I'm going to let you know now that they were totally useless in a time of great need. Sue me, Dodge. CAA came through as usual which was very lucky and we had a tow from the friendly (totally francophone) tow driver in town. He took Monika and I in the dead of night back to my van, loaded it up on the same flatbed used to tow my van the LAST TIME the JBH destroyed my ride, and took us and it back to the garage in town. It was there that we learned through some very broken frenglish that the garage was closed until LUNDI. LUNDI=MONDAY. 

So we went back to the hotel and tried to figure out a plan of action. If we stayed in Matagami until Monday; a) it would be so boring and b) there would be no guarantee the mechanic could fix my van. We talked to the concierge and he advised us to call another mechanic who was off this weekend but perhaps would open up his shop to take a look at it. So at this point it was about 3am and we were deliriously tired and very worried. We decided to take a chance and call the mechanic in the morning at 7:30. I woke up on the dot after what I would call a sketchy 2 hour cat nap, made the call and had no luck. Then I called CAA and had them arrange for a tow from Matagami to the nearest Dodge dealership in Amos. Suddenly this was all looking too familiar. The same tow driver showed up to take us just as I was sobbing on the phone to my mother which was awesome. I hadn't brushed my teeth, showered, eaten or changed clothes and I felt like death! Even though the mechanic at the dealership was closed as it was now Saturday, I had to take a chance in hopes that they could help me out on Monday morning. The only problem was getting everyone to Amos with me. Now, I encouraged the girls to find alternative transportation from Matagami to Wemindji and scrap the girl's weekend. But loyal and optimistic as they were, they refused to abandon me!! I have the best friends. Since the tow could only fit two extra passengers, Monika and Samantha would have to hitch hike their way to Amos, about 180km from Matagami. So Meghan and I hopped in the truck not knowing if we'd ever see Sam and Monika again. Oh and at this point our bags were still in my van on the back of the flatbed tow, so none of us looked very hot. Meghan and I didn't have time for breakfast so we each ate a piece of gum and spent the next 2 hours discussing what our last meals would be if we were on death row. Starvation of both food and sleep will make you consider weird things. 

Turns out, lots of people were willing and able to take the remainder of our party to Amos which was so kind and Monika and Sam met us at the dealership not minutes after we arrived ourselves. Lucky for me, the head mechanic Tommy was in the dealership at the time and heard my pleas for help!! He said he would have a look at it on Monday and let me know what he could do. Tommy, my new angel at Dodge, called all around town to find me a rental for the weekend but was unsuccessful. When all else failed he simply offered me a dealership car and we were off!! That was as good as it was going to get so we canceled our hotel rooms in Rouyn and decided to make the best of it in Amos. They had a Mike's and a Dollarama and that's all we needed to have a good time! Luckily the Amosophere had room for us and we quickly got some food in our bellies and unpacked. At this point it was about 1 when we checked in.  We were severely sleep deprived, delirious, hilarious and running on pure adrenaline. We looked around town for any place that would do nails (none) and so bought nail polish and the necessary tools to do our own nails in the hotel instead. Living in the north makes you very resourceful. That night we went to Mike's and enjoyed a delicious and well-deserved meal, hit up the pool hall next door, shot some pool and then went home to bed because we were EXHAUSTED. 

The next day we shopped and ate and imagined we would be having a late night Monday as my car would be fixed and we'd be off. Monday morning rolled around and we called the dealership to see what was what. Tommy was going to look at my van and call me back. So we waited in Tim Hortons and as the hours ticked by, we began to realize that we might not make it home on time for school on Tuesday. Trying to keep things light we sang adlibbed songs about our misadventure and ate donuts to calm our nervous bellies. At around 10 we went back to the dealership and asked for an update. Tommy, with a large smile on his face informed me that he had bad news! Hooray?? The bad news was that the damage done to my car was worse than expected and the part needed (oil pan cover) wouldn't be in until Wednesday. I was DOOMED. I explained that I needed the car fixed ASAP and also needed to get back to Wemindji for the next day. He said he would order the part and let me keep the rental until I could return to pick up my van at the end of the week. So we quickly loaded all of our loot from the rental into the back of my van and took off for Wemindji in the early afternoon on Monday. 

The drive home was not terribly fun. The darkness set upon us around 5pm and with that came snow squalls and driving in total darkness. We saw strange animals and felt as though we were driving through space at warp speed at times!! I was very lucky to have company keep me awake and we made it home at around 11pm. 

The next day we worked and crashed. I got an update from Tommy on Thursday confirming my car would be fixed and ready for Friday morning. So, I had to take a day off work and drive to Matagami Thursday after school, stay in Matagami overnight, drive to Amos Friday morning and arrive for 8am and pick up my van. Then turn around and drive 9 hours straight back to Wemindji and hope that I don't have to spend too much of the drive in the dark. In total I drove about 18 hours out of 24 and I was exhausted. Luck was on my side this trip and I managed to keep all 4 wheels on the road and not run over anything damaging. I got home Friday night at 6pm after driving through the worst squalls I have ever been but on some of the best winter roads, pros and cons you could say. I was so happy to be home I could have kissed the ground!! I spent all day yesterday (Saturday) sleeping and cleaning as my house had been severely neglected these past few weeks and I needed to catch up on my sleep. 

Anyways insurance covered nothing and I'm out over $1300 for my little jaunt and needless to say I am never leaving my house again and people are getting hugs for Christmas.

Love Aidan. 

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Wild Wedding Weekend!

Talk about a jet setting lifestyle! I have it! Well, last weekend was one for the records. As Maid of Honor in my wonderful friend Katherine's wedding, I went back to Southern Ontario to participate in the celebration of her and Mike's union. It was amazing. I had a blast, got to catch up with old friends and family and danced the night away! 

Here's a rundown of my trip:

I flew out of Wemindji on Wednesday afternoon after working most of the day at 2:45 heading for Montreal. My plane made the usual 4 stops in other communities before landing in Montreal. In Montreal I connected at 9:30 for Toronto, landing at around 10:30. Such a long day!!

The next morning I had a dress fitting and then I did a little shopping with an old friend, 
Clair. That night was the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner which was really great! The church was at Bloor and Islington, a beautiful old Catholic Church.  

Friday morning Clair, a fellow bridesmaid, Katherine and I had manicures and pedicures and then Clair and I went to help with some set up at the venue. Then I went for my final fitting and stopped at the post office to ship my purchases since I was flying and had little room in my suitcases, proofread Mummy's paper and headed out for dinner with the family. We went to a fantastic Indian restaurant in Downtown Oakville, Coriander on the Green.  I highly recommend it! After that I was pooped and headed to bed early to get my beauty rest for the wedding the next day (I managed to sleep in....classy).

So on Saturday after I RAN out of bed, I was over at the bride's mothers house at 7:30 for hair and makeup! She had arranged for  two lovely and very talented ladies to come to the house and do our hair and makeup there. It was a great morning, very relaxing and low key and we all looked gorgeous!  The photographers arrived and took lots of great pictures and we had a blast. The wedding was at 1 so the limo picked us up and we were off to the church! The ceremony was beautiful and it was such a gorgeous church, it couldn't have gone off better! I was nervous and worried I would mess up my MOH duties in the church but it mostly went off without a hitch. 

After the ceremony the bridal party went to Bradley House just off Southdown Road in Mississauga and spent a couple hours with the photographers. It was COLD and we were freezing but the pictures turned out well so personal comfort was a small sacrifice!

Then we headed off to the hall back in Oakville and partied the night away!!! I didn't get home until almost 2 but I had a fantastic time and it was great to see so many friends and celebrate with everyone. My speech went well, the microphone had a lot of feedback sadly but I only made a few mistakes hah! I was very nervous. 

Anyways then Sunday morning I was up at 7 and out of the house at 8 to catch my plane at 11! I flew to Montreal and my layover was allllll day so I got to my hotel room around 1, watched tv and had a nap, ate a last supper of delivery sushi and went to sleep at 8 because I had to be up Monday morning at 4Monday morning I took the shuttle to the airport to catch my flight at 7am back to Wemindji. I arrived in town at 1 and went right to work! What a day!!! So I am still sort of recovering from my trip and getting right back into work!!

Luckily we were blessed by the PED gods and gifted a 3 day week with 2 PED days and LOTS of time in the classroom which is a blessing because report cards are due next week and I have A LOT of marking to do. 

I am looking forward to this weekend because we have a long weekend up here on Monday so my girlfriends and I are driving down to Rouyn (the closest major town which is 9 hours away) to have a girls weekend!! But before that happens I have to start and finish report cards and plan for next week!! Life may be quiet up here but it definitely isn't slow!!

Some company on the plane. 

Came home to this familiar but unwelcomed sight. 

My view out of the plane window.

Katherine and Michael

Photo cred:  AMAZING photographer, totally casual and easy going. Put us all at ease and took some beautiful shots. I highly recommend her!! 

Beautiful Bride and Mother of the Bride 

Bridesmaids Jadea Kelly and Clair! Check out Jadea's site, she is a beautiful singer/songwriter.

My bouquet! Sad to have to leave this at home :(

Managed to forget this in Oakville too WAHH 

INSPIRED midnight buffet!!! 

Mother of the Bride, Katherine and me! 

"Aidan, make a creepy face!" Done. 

Cheers! Married! Awesome limo. 

Three Musketeers 

The nails. First ever manicure!

The hair. 

The aftermath. 

My sweet angel. 

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Happy Halloween!

Well folks, another week has come and gone.  I am currently experiencing the tell-tale symptoms of an oncoming cold but doing my best to fight it BECAUSEEEEEEEEE I am coming home to Ontario this week to be Maid of Honor in my wonderfully lovely and gorgeous friend Katherine's wedding!!

Let's backstart (as the kids say).  Last week was a glorious 4 day teaching week which meant we were blessed with a PED day on Friday.  What I anticipated would be a drawn out, perhaps boring day of professional development turned out to be an awesome science workshop facilitated by Elephant Thoughts, an educational group that works with students in the North as well as all over the world in the field of science.  We carried out experiments all day and learned some really cool ways to get kids engaged in science in the classroom.  We dissected owl barf (barf), made ice cream in a bag, experimented with circuits, made goop, pop bottle car machiney things, homemade lava lamps, soil profiles with cookies and pudding and so much more. It was very cool and a great way to spend the day. 

That night, I did some snack prep for a surprise baby shower on Saturday and then headed over to my fellow teacher Shelby's house for a really fun night of wedding invite-making activities and wine tasting!  It was super fun to sit and chat with some friends, try some really great wines and help her prepare for her big day! Lots of fun!

Saturday was a surprise baby shower for another friend Katherine.  She will be leaving the community soon to give birth to her first child and we were all excited to shower her with gifts and play some really fun and hilarious games.  The organizers went all out and it was a great afternoon.  Later on though I began to feel a little under the weather and had to cancel my dinner and a movie plans with the girls.  I spent the rest of the evening getting my Halloween goody bags ready and other tasks requiring little energy and watching Netflix.  Can someone please explain to me why Netflix likes to interrupt what I am watching to ask if I am still watching it?  Um yes it is still playing IS IT NOT?  Anyways.

Today I slept in, woke up, ate breakfast and went back to bed.  Then I headed into school to plan with Meghan and Monika for the upcoming week of fun Halloween activities and excitement! I am a little disappointed to be missing out on all the fun because if you know me, you know I LOVE to dress up and act a fool.  But I have been #blessed with a great substitute and know they will have fun even with my not being there.

The reason I am missing out on Halloween in the classroom this year is that I am honored to be Maid of Honor in my dear friend Katherine's wedding!! I was SO surprised and touched when she asked me last summer and I have had so much fun participating in all the wedding festivities that I have been able to attend.  Being far away definitely doesn't make me the best candidate for a position like this so I have tried to make the best of it while I am home and Katherine has been more than understanding and accommodating.  I am really looking forward to seeing her and my friends for a (really) quick visit home on Wednesday through Sunday. 

So in preparation I have been trying to grow my hair and nails for the occasion.  If you know anything about me, you know I have THE WORST luck with hair growth and hair cuts.  The last time I had my hair cut, it was styled into a most fashionable mullet, taking me two years to grow back into some sort of length.  My hair is particularly fine as well, making any sort of beautiful style fall incredibly flat.  So since I haven't had a cut since December 2012, my hair is understandably crispy and resembles a petrified forest.  I have decided to throw caution to the wind and get a trim up here tomorrow afternoon by a visiting hair stylist so that I don't insult the wedding hairstylist with my offensive locks.  Yes, I know the last time I got a trim in Wemindji I was left looking like an 80's soccer mom, but I am hoping the words "JUST 2 INCHES" and a stare of death will send the right message. 

Anyways, I am hoping to get to bed early again tonight to continue to fight off what I hope isn't a bad cold and get myself and my classroom ready for the big departure!!

Inspired baby shower diaper bouquet!

Large crack in my windshield.  Not impressed.